Six Eritrean Seafarers Complete Prestigious Marine Data Course
The Eritrean Seaman Union (ESU) proudly announces that six of its members have successfully completed the Marine Data 4 Baltic Sea workshop, organized by Copernicus Marine Service and Mercator Ocean International. The online course,held on October 2nd and 4th, 2024, focused on marine data processing and Baltic Sea research.
This achievement highlights the union’s strong commitment to academic involvement, demonstrating its dedication to advancing members’ skills and supporting their professional development.The participants received certificates of attendance, with the union’s advocacy playing a key role in securing their involvement.
The union plans to continue supporting educational and technical training opportunities to empower Eritrean seafarers globally. Stay tuned for more updates as we take further steps to support the professional journeys of Eritrean seafarers on the global stage.
Eritrean Seaman Union
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